The Springboard Project

I recently collaborated with Talent Education and had the opportunity to visit The Springboard Project two sites for KS3 & KS4 part of the Newbridge Academy Trust.

Springboard Academy is designed to meet the needs of students who experience a range of social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) difficulties. The reasons for these challenges can vary and may include speech and language issues, autism, and communication difficulties. All attending students have Education, Health, and Care Plans (EHCPs) and follow a personalized curriculum tailored to help them succeed.

I wanted to share how impressed and inspired I was by the students’ engagement. To’ witness the strong, positive relationships between the staff and young people and the difference they make daily by giving all a chance to succeed, is what stood out the most.

“Positive Mindset, Positive Outcome”

I’ve received some wonderful feedback including pupil voice which has sparked my next wave of intervention!

Thank you for facilitating Tony Chard Sarah Dunsdon, Andrew Howard FCCT DFIFIP

I look forward to visiting again in the future!

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